Dorrie’s bath

She loves baths. She got one this afternoon that was fun and kicky and splashy. Until…


Suddenly it was horrifying. And sad. For what reason you ask?

No idea.

Babies. Weird little buggers.

Cute, though…

For photographic evidence of the cuteness, click on the photo. It will take you to a slideshow that tells the story.

Dorrie Loves Baths

2 Responses to “Dorrie’s bath”

  1. Meg Says:

    Okay, so the last picture was so cute of you and Dorrie and Ogie and OH MY GOD! You’re a Mom. :) I just came to this realization. Love you!

  2. Joe Says:

    They really are inexplicable. Apparently at some point between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM yesterday, my wife’s breasts went from the height of yummy deliciousness to “Why are you putting that in my mouth, you foul woman? It burns! It burns! Where is Daddy and my beloved bottle?”

    Then by 3:00 AM, it was back to ooh-the-breast-tastes-so-good. Much to my relief, given that I was on the hook for that feeding if it was via the bottle.

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