Dorrie’s First Bulls Game

Dorrie at the Bulls game

Dorrie was, um, less than thrilled by the theatrics and loud music at an NBA stadium.*

We had gotten there an hour early because it was Ben Wallace ‘fro Night (you get crazy hair attached to a headband if you’re one of the first 10,000 people), and we missed out by about 10 minutes, so we were there for an extra hour with nothing to show for it. We left at the beginning of the fourth quarter after I had spent most of the game on the concourse looking for a place to sit.** My husband was a bit annoyed (understandably - NBA tickets aren’t cheap), but once the Bulls lost at the last second after leading the entire game he said she was just a discriminating fan and didn’t want to be subjected to that crap.

*To be honest, I am too. I can’t blame her for that. Though, the Bulls’ player introductions are genuinely cool (and my husband always has to add, “…and from North Carolina, Michael Jordan!!!” at the end).

**FYI, there is a collection of tables with actual chairs at the United Center outside of section 309. Just in case any of you get overstimulated and fussy.

4 Responses to “Dorrie’s First Bulls Game”

  1. Simba's Mom Says:

    I was actually thinking of you guys last night when we were watching the game. I was wondering how the baby would like the constant music and other assorted noise. I personally get annoyed by it, so I know how she feels. Sorry you missed out on the ‘fro. They showed Jesse Jackson in the crowd and he was wearing one. It was pretty funny.

  2. amanda Says:

    Grr. I’m still bitter about Ben Wallace.

  3. Chris Says:

    Nice. I can imagine that would be a bit…uh…loud.

  4. Angie Says:

    When Steven was newborn I could go to the movies and let him nurse and sleep while I enjoyed a movie. Now I can’t do that. The loud surround sound of the movies keep him awake and some of it frightens him horidly.

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