We opened the can of worms…

The owners of the house we want counteroffered with the exact amount we wanted to buy the house for. I don’t really know how it managed to work out like that. I guess the people who had promised to keep their fingers crossed no matter what it took really did it. Thanks, guys!

Therefore, as I’m sure you could guess, we’re accepting the counteroffer and buying the house. Now you’re all in for exciting updates about inspections, tuckpointing, and electrical systems for the next month, and we’ll be closing in early March.

I’m not going to post pictures of the outside of the house as it’s very distinctive and we don’t need stalkers at our brand-spanking-new place. However, the inside is a different matter! Here you go:

The cute entryway (with a coat closet!)
1 Main Level 1 Entryway

The dining room
1 Main Level 5 Dining Room

The kitchen (About which Dawnie is having inappropriate thoughts) (Back up off my new kitchen, ho)
1 Main Level 6 View into Kitchen from Dining Room

The spare bedroom/office
2 Second Level 3 Spare Bedroom

The nursery
2 Second Level 5 Nursery

The master bedroom
3 Third Level 1 Master Bedroom

The basement (not all of it, just the cool fireplace and the bathroom that has the big-ass jacuzzi. The bar will eventually be behind where I was standing while taking the picture)
4 Basement 3 Fireplace

For more, head over to the photoset on flickr. Only the external pics aren’t public, and those are available to friends and family so if you’re desperate to see them email me. Unless you’re a stalker.

Speaking of Negotiating…

The third year of law school is, um, a wee bit slack-y for most people. The vast majority of them already have jobs for the future and all they have to do is pass the bar exam. However, law schools don’t teach things that help you to pass the bar exam, so you have to take a 6 week course after you graduate to learn what you need. We haven’t quite figured out why, but let’s just go with the good old answer, “Law schools are really stupid.”

My husband is taking a Negotiations class this semester. He’s also taking a couple of other for-fun type classes (fun for him — I can’t guarantee the rest of you would consider them fun), and really has very little to worry about except for a paper on Martin Luther’s theories on the separation of church and state.*

His Negotiations class is nice because of the house hunting/offering/(hopefully) buying we’re doing right now. When we put in an offer on the house in Garfield Ridge that we didn’t really think we’d get, we were a little concerned that we were just being dumb and young and silly and uneducated. (Hee. Try telling my husband who has nearly 9 years of higher education that he’s uneducated. It’s fun.) But then he talked to his Negotiations professor, and she said that we handled the whole process perfectly and gave us advice for the next time. Which obviously worked really well. See? Every now and then law school is useful.

*Basically, if you like church and state being separated, you should really thank Martin Luther. Prior to him, no one even thought of that as being an option. He’s like the opposite of the churchy-psycho wing of the Republican party. Brilliance!

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