
Updated 1:28pm (scroll to the bottom)

Ogie would like to say that he is voting Yes! on Proposition Moving-to-Beverly. He was going to vote no for a while since he hated the boxes and the confusion and didn’t know which trees to pee on for optimal territory-marking, but then he met the 7 year old boy and 5 year old girl next door who are willing to to play and throw balls for hours at a time.

Here he is prior to making the decision to move. He looks conflicted and introspective.


Things/People Who Hate Me:

Gmail - “For your security, we have temporarily disabled access because our system detected abnormal usage.” Yup. It’s not really that you’re having a server error at all! It’s that I’ve been spamming people with ultrasound pictures! Or, you know, something.

The Chicago Public Library’s Central Library, the Harold Washington Library Center (HWLC) - (Yes, that’s what they call it on their website. Let’s all be long-winded for fun!) If I need a fucking permission slip from the 6th floor before I can check out a paperback that is apparently a reference book (still haven’t figured out why it’s in the reference section and I’m over halfway done with it), please tell me that before I go down to the 3rd floor and wait in the line at the circulation desk and have to go back up. Also, that is my library card. Yes. You don’t have to keep asking me if it’s my library card. Seriously. That’s six times you’ve asked me now. The answer has not changed.

The Security Guards at the Library - When you have a sign posted that says “all bags will be searched,” please don’t stare blankly and wordlessly at me when I walk up to you and ask if you need to search my bag. I’m not making some sort of weird assumption that should elicit a blank open-mouth stare. Your sign says you want to search my bag. But now that I know you care so much about your job, I’m totally loading up my bag with books before I leave and making a run for it. I’m 100% positive they’ll never catch me. They suck so much I highly doubt they could catch up to a 5′2″ out of shape woman who is 5 months pregnant.

However, on the plus side…

1.) As I mentioned a few days ago, we won first in category at a pretty big homebrewing competition in the Chicago area! Here’s our ribbon. We also won a free vial of yeast! (Free yeast is exciting when you’re a homebrewer)

Drunk Monk Ribbon

It gets the place of honor on the fridge until we figure out what’s going on with our basement bar area.

2.) Have I mentioned that my sister-in-law and her husband are two of the coolest people ever? If you need more proof, here’s the present they brought over when we found out we’re having a girl.

Her first ironic t-shirt.

Yup. It may be the coolest onsie around.

3.) I’m making an appointment for my massage and haircut to use the gift certificate my sweet husband got me for Valentines Day. I’m SO GLAD I procrastinated so that I didn’t get the massage until after we moved.

Update: Assholes won’t do massages on pregnant women. At all. Even with a note. So now we need to move this from the “plus side” category to the “Shit That Hates Me” category and it’s totally unbalanced in the hating me direction right now.

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