Boobs, anyone?

We are having so much fun with Dorrie. She isn’t too fussy so far, as long as she has a dry diaper and an easily accessible boob. She is very cuddly and has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

We’re heading up to the cottage in Wisconsin for 5 days or so, so there won’t be any updates for a while. But there will be so many pictures when we get back it will totally be worth it.

In the meantime, here are a couple to hold you over…



She had her one week weight check today at the pediatrician. She went last Friday and was down to 8 lbs. 9 oz. (babies lose up to 7% of their birth weight the first few days). Today we went in and the nurse said, “Now, we like to see them gain an ounce a day. Go ahead and put her on the scale…”

She was 9 lbs. 9 oz.

That’s, um, more than twice “an ounce a day.” It’s a pound in a week.

That made me pretty happy. I felt very vindicated in being effing stubborn when I felt like my nipples were going to be bitten completely off many times a day for the first six days. Now we’re to a point where it doesn’t hurt anymore, but in case you’re wondering? It can hurt like HELL even if you really are doing everything right. But if you’re stubborn enough, it doesn’t hurt anymore after a while, and then when the baby is 9 days old you get the most sleep since you got pregnant because you just had to roll over and stuff a boob in her mouth and barely even wake up. Granted, some people have told me it hurt for 4, 6, 8 weeks - I don’t know what I would have done then. I think I lucked out. But boy is it nice to know that my boobs work and I don’t have to 1.) pay for formula, 2.) fix (sterilize/warm/etc.) bottles, 3.) wake up fully during the night.

Well, off to the burbs to find a nursing bra that fits my new Super Huge Boobs. I’ll update late next week sometime with more pictures!

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