
We’re having one of those days where I have tons of stuff to take care of before a busy weekend (Homecoming! Dorrie gets to wear her wee little Valpo hoodie sweatshirt!), and someone who will not be named here is insisting on walking around. All the time. But not in the Ergo, oh no. That would leave mommy with two free hands and therefore is unacceptable.

But it’s okay. I went into this whole thing with the expectation that I was going to rearrange my life for a little while. I realize that babies have to fit into your life and you can’t adjust your life to fit theirs. But at the same time, a little bit of rearranging is in order. Babies don’t want much besides a clean diaper, functional boobs, and lots of cuddling. I’m not going to only give her two out of the three because I have laundry to do.

I think that might be part the reason I’ve adjusted pretty well so far. I don’t assume things are going to be easy (even though I think I’ve lucked out in that I got a very soothable baby and didn’t have to put up with colic or other non-stop screaming), so I’m not surprised when I’m tired or don’t get a shower every day.

And I love it. I love everything about it. I even love rolling my eyes at her when she’s confusing the hell out of me. (You are obviously hungry! Eat! I did not put the boob in front of you out of malice!)

The only thing I don’t love is when I end up second-guessing myself because outside people have differing opinions.

I’m not saying I have all the answers. I’m just doing this the only way that makes sense to me. I’m being totally instinctive about how I care for her, and researching stuff to make sure it’s not unsafe or a bad idea.

As long as I don’t spend too much time being upset about other people getting all up in my business, I don’t see anything wrong with what I’m doing. Or what you’re doing. Or what anyone does. Why do people care so much?

So now I’m back to feeling fine, confident and far less grouchy. Oh, and I think it’s partially due to how spectacular of a post this is. Go read it, but only if you’ve got some tissues handy.


Look! Sleeping in the bouncy seat! I AM BREAKING THE BABY! SEND HELP!

(also, taking pictures with my cell phone RULES, as sometimes you have to charge the battery on the digital camera. I know. Lame.)
P.S. Mary, perhaps you should buy this? IS YOUR DOG NOT WORTH A PRIVACY PARLOR? HUH?

P.P.S.  Dear WordPress Rich Text Editor,

Fuck off and die.

Thank you,


3 Responses to “Better.”

  1. SpaceCase Says:

    You know, my mom raised six kids without the “benefit” of the internet and the know-it-alls who use it, and we all turned out fine.

    Keep the poisons locked up and the sharp knives out of reach. Other than that, trust your instincts and I know you’ll do just fine - just like you are. Or, more importantly, just like you know you are, which is worth a lot more.

  2. Becca Says:

    I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better! You give me confidence every day that my instincts are better than any advice anyone gives me.

    OMG why did you link to that Amalah post, I am a total wreck! :) And glad we decided to get a video camera even though I once thought it was frivolous and intrusive.

  3. ESY Says:

    OMG - take that baby out of the bouncy seat right this this instant!!!

    Gald you are happier today! Have fun this weekend!

    !!! just in case you didn’t have enough!!!

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