Happy Monday!

On Friday, I answered the doorbell, greeted the UPS guy who was delivering my wine, and was asked how old I am. Apparently being nearly-27 (18 days ’til my birthday!) and owning a house and having a 2 month old has not changed the fact that I look 15. Huh.

Steph was staying the night, so we went to Flossmoor Station and I looked like a 15 year old drunken bad parent, filling my baby with secondhand beer.

(Exhibit A)

AAP Poster Child?

Sorry about the quality - camera phone…

We went to homecoming on Saturday and saw lots of old friends and it was… fun. Ish. But see, Dorrie hates sleeping when stuff is going on around her (it’s far more fun to look around!), so by about 3pm she had gotten spectacularly fussy and stayed that way until we left at about 9pm. It was awesome.

However, she did have the advantage of being the cutest damn thing on campus.

Out for a walk

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Sunday, as I mentioned, was the day the bar exam results came out. We celebrated by making waffles, going to church, brewing, and watching the Bears completely dismantle the Seahawks. Lame? Yes. But nice at the same time.

3 Responses to “Happy Monday!”

  1. ESY Says:

    love the pictures!!! beer in one hand and baby in the other! nice.
    And the little valpo sweatshirt -adorable!

  2. Mona Says:

    As a Seahawks fan, it was too sad to watch as we were utterly demolished by the Bears. It was like we weren’t even there after the first quarter. I looove the Ergo! I bought mine after my son was too big for the infant insert, but I love it all the same. :)

    P.S. I found your site through Beth’s shoe gallery. I would love to wear Birks, but unfortunately, they make my feet look like big fat irons.

  3. Susie Sunshine Says:

    Holy shit, that’s one squeezable-looking baby!!!!!!

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