
Dorrie and I went downtown today. We rode the train in with daddy and went to visit my ex-office. Dorrie shrieked a few times, but was very good for the most part. Everyone was happy to see her.

Then we went to daddy’s office, everyone there was also happy to see her, and I drooled over his view.

Daddy's Office View

And the view from a few steps outside of his office (by the conference rooms).

Chicago Lakefront

Then we changed a diaper on his desk, walked all around downtown, made a few friends on the train, and screamed back at home. Because the morning was SO exciting and the afternoon is SO boring. Though at least drenching me in spitup was fun.

I need a nap.

No nap though, we’re going to dinner with the extended family in Oakbrook at a nice restaurant with an overstimulated baby.

Prayers, please?

3 Responses to “Downtown”

  1. ESY Says:

    Gosh that is a nice view - I am jealous!!!

  2. bethany Says:

    Hey girl, having just gotten back from Chicago I feel your pain, actually I guess I really can’t seeing as how I had NO screaming baby and No in-laws present…but the traffic is really a bitch is it not???? Anyway, I love your city and can’t wait to be back!!!!! Hope all the baby suff is going as easily as possible. Have you started reaing my book yet?

  3. Chris Says:

    What a gorgeous view. When you think of Chicago, you dont really think “beautiful” but you should.

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